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Guess who’s back… back again…. Aj’s back tell your friends haha

But seriously where has time gone…

After a few years and hitting more than a few snags in terms of bugs and issues on the server, relocating the server and Aj moving house IRL and then having had to delay the launch of the server for over a month we are happy to finally announce that we are back on track and have hit the ground running.

We were experiencing for the last 6 – 12 months occasional disconnects / freezes / teleport bugs on the server.

This has been resolved, unfortunately we had to remove the auto loot system as the algorithms in the scripts were causing to much demand on the server in certain scenarios such as teleporting in fast succession with a large backpack of items. However we still have the [loot command which can be used manually or set up on hotkey / macro to look to the master storage system.

We are still in early days testing all the recent fixes however recent stress tests have caused no issues or disconnects or freezes or lags on the server. Most of the issues and frustrations players have had are now resolved. Apologises it took so long to track it down but it now means were in a position to relaunch our testing server to test issues locally and push them to the live server once were confident they are safe to do so.

Aj is going to spend some time over the next few months playing the server / fixing minor bugs and will then be looking to introduce seasonal quests, events and future content

We have also updated the AOB Installer / Patcher / Launcher and have now made it easier to access the file via the website and have fixed the false security flags.

Thanks for continued support and patience as we welcome new and old friends alike back into the Age of Britannia in 2025…

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