I’m working hard on delivering new content and improving existing systems by listening to YOUR feedback to continue to improve our server. We would like to thank each and everyone that has played and enjoyed our server so far. Below is some information of recent updates which can also be found on discord.
The most recent update to the shard includes new map areas for trammel for events and for the hue room. We are continuing to build new maps on our mapping software and over time will continue to improve existing maps and areas. Stargate area has now been rebuilt for players to access via the Stargate in Luna. Questers and monsters have been spawned.
We are also continuing to develop our website slowly over time including recent voting sites that are found on our homepage for convenience.
[Mystats – Command changed to a more user friendly view and format now all on one page
[Viewissues – New in game bug tracking system for players to report bugs and see staff action and updates is now available
Swamp tiles now cause damage and can poison you when they are walked over on foot. We have some swamp protection boots that will soon be available via the token stone to protect from this.
Base loot – Necklaces and earrings (humans) will now drop on monsters. They will drop in either gold or silver
Demise – Felucca – Baracoon spawn distance from the alter has been fixed and reduced.
Finally – Joy our Ultima online decorator and artist has joined our team you can see some of her work on Britain bank rooftop (trammel) and in our Luna shard hall.
Thanks for reading thanks for continuing to play and enjoy our server much love – Aj